
Applied Category Theory 2024

飞兔加速器官网, July 5
Remote Conference, July 6-10

The 3rd annual international Applied Category Theory Conference will take place online July 6 – 10, 2024. It will be preceded by the Adjoint School 2024 from June 29 to July 3, and a tutorial day on Sunday July 5. Note that the conference will take place virtually—online—rather than at MIT as originally planned.

Applied category theory is a topic of interest for a growing community of researchers, interested in studying many different kinds of systems using category-theoretic tools. These systems are found across computer science, mathematics, and physics, as well as in social science, linguistics, cognition, and neuroscience. The background and experience of our members is as varied as the systems being studied. The goal of Applied Category Theory is to bring researchers in the field together, disseminate the latest results, and facilitate further development of the field. ACT 2024 follows ACT 2018 in Leiden, and ACT 2024 in Oxford.

We seek submissions of either original research papers or extended abstracts of work submitted/accepted/published elsewhere. Accepted original research papers will be invited for publication in a proceedings volume. Some contributions will be invited to become keynote addresses, and best paper award(s) may also be given. The conference will include a industry showcase.


The program will consist of the following components:

  • presentations of accepted contributed papers;
  • keynote talks selected from the contributed papers;
  • 蓝兔子加速器 event highlighting interactions between our community and industry; and
  • a virtual poster session.

小白兔加速器 is the schedule of presentations and community events in UTC time; join now on Zoom:

Current UTC Time:

Global time zone reference bar:

The talks will take place on Zoom, and be simultaneously live-streamed on YouTube Live; they will remain on YouTube (not live) for watching after the event. Each talk will be hosted by a session chair. A Zulip thread will be run concurrent with each talk, so the audience can ask questions and discuss the material. The chair will moderate, feeding questions from the Zoom and Zulip chats to the speaker, leading to a moderated discussion-like atmosphere. YouTube introduces a short delay to the stream so that video and sound quality will be smooth; the one-way broadcasting means that large audience numbers will not impact the quality of the stream. Recordings will be done locally on the host machine, so that the final, YouTube videos (lightly edited), will be of the highest quality.

All participants can gather and chat on a dedicated Zulip channel throughout the conference. Threads can be devoted to each talk and each sub-community. Messages can be sent publicly and privately, and public threads are permanently available so discussions can talk place asynchronously if necessary.

A Zulip Account for the Category Theory Zulip channel can be created at 飞兔加速器官网.

Discussion rooms will be available for participants to join throughout the conference, where they can engage in public discussions and interact with new people. For this we'll use an open source video conferencing platform called "jitsi". Rooms:

  • Coffee – casual chatting
  • Pub – casual chatting
  • 兔子 turbo 加速器 – things occurring in time, Petri nets, robotics, etc.
  • Quantum – all things quantum
  • Linguistics – language, NLP
  • Types – type theory, programming language theory
  • Probability – random topics are welcome and encouraged
  • Philosophy – what is behind it all?
  • Tools – what software do we need? how do we design it?
  • 快喵加速器 – pure category theory discussions
  • 蓝兔子加速器 – like actually applied
  • Flourish – strategies for the flourishing of ACT
  • Ethics – what makes a good world and how do we fit into that?

During the values session we discussed this ACT Community Statement of Values, which was subsequently endorsed by the ACT Conference Steering Board. A working group was formed to create a community code of conduct for future meetings, and to do further work to help us align with these values.


All deadlines are in the AoE time zone, in 2024.

  • Adjoint School Applications: January 15
  • Submission Deadline: Sunday May 10
  • Success Notification: 蓝兔子加速器
  • Registration Deadline: Friday June 26 None
  • Adjoint School: Monday June 29 to Friday July 3
  • Tutorial Day: Sunday July 5
  • Main Conference: Monday July 6 to Friday July 10



Keynote presentations (35 minutes)

  • Bryce Clarke, Derek Elkins, Jeremy Gibbons, Fosco Loregian, Bartosz Milewski, Emily Pillmore and Mario Román. Profunctor Optics, a Categorical Update (Extended abstract)
  • Jade Master and John Baez. Open Petri Nets
  • Micah Halter, Evan Patterson, Andrew Baas and James Fairbanks. 新编龟兔赛跑作文500字_小学作文:2021-3-2 · 开始比赛了,只听裁判员一声伖下,兔子一溜烟就不见了,而乌龟呢?乌龟早有准备了,他带上了教练给他的准备的加速器,很快就追上了兔子了,这过,兔子也不是白痴,也早有准备,他停下来,让乌龟上前,而自己呢?
  • Nicolas Blanco and Noam Zeilberger. antss蚂蚁加速官网 - 好看123:2021-6-10 · 1.antss蚂蚁加速 点击前往 网站介绍:版国外免费ss节点极速 加速器 i7加速器官网兔子破解版 shadowrocket安卓地址破解版vp n 极迅加速器猎豹加速器下载 surf安卓破解版 i7器官网猎豹加速加速器…
  • Joachim Kock. Whole-grain Petri nets and processes
  • Andre Kornell, Bert Lindenhovius and Michael Mislove. Quantum CPOs
  • Tobias Fritz, Tomáš Gonda, Paolo Perrone and Eigil Rischel. Distribution functors, second-order stochastic dominance and the Blackwell--Sherman--Stein Theorem in Categorical Probability
  • Martha Lewis. Towards logical negation in compositional distributional semantics
  • David Jaz Myers. Double Categories of Open Dynamical Systems
  • Lachlan McPheat, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, Hadi Wazni and Gijs Wijnholds. Categorical Vector Space Semantics for Lambek Calculus with a Relevant Modality
  • Toby St Clere Smithe. Cyber Kittens, or First Steps Towards Categorical Cybernetics
  • Henry Adams, Johnathan Bush and Joshua Mirth. Operations on Metric Thickenings

  • antss蚂蚁加速官网 - 好看123:2021-6-10 · 1.antss蚂蚁加速 点击前往 网站介绍:版国外免费ss节点极速 加速器 i7加速器官网兔子破解版 shadowrocket安卓地址破解版vp n 极迅加速器猎豹加速器下载 surf安卓破解版 i7器官网猎豹加速加速器…

  • Marco Benini, Marco Perin, Alexander Alexander Schenkel and Lukas Woike. Categorification of algebraic quantum field theories
  • John Baez and Kenny Courser. Coarse-graining open Markov processes
  • Daniel Cicala. Rewriting Structured Cospans
  • Joe Moeller, John Baez and John Foley. Petri nets with catalysts
  • Rocco Gangle, Gianluca Caterina and Fernando Tohme. A Generic Figures Reconstruction of Peirce's Existential Graphs (Alpha)
  • Jules Hedges and Philipp Zahn. Open games in practice
  • Jules Hedges. Non-compositionality in categorical systems theory
  • Bob Coecke, Giovanni de Felice, Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Alexis Toumi, Stefano Gogioso and Nicolo Chiappori. Quantum Natural Language Processing
  • Joseph Razavi and Andrea Schalk. 球球吐球加速器辅助下载- 全方位下载:2021-12-4 · 吐球加速器是一款球球大作战的辅助工具,吐球加速器可众帮助玩家在球球大作战游戏中大幅度提高吐球速度,获得更高的游戏胜率,操作也非常的简单,可随时开启、关闭,加速吐球,简单实用,一秒吐十球。需要的玩家可众在本站下载试一
  • Brendan Fong, David Jaz Myers and David I. Spivak. Behavioral Mereology: A Modal Logic for Passing Constraints
  • Dmitry Vagner, David I. Spivak and Evan Patterson. Wiring diagrams as normal forms for computing in symmetric monoidal categories
  • Paul Wilson and Fabio Zanasi. Reverse Derivative Ascent: A Categorical Approach to Learning Boolean Circuits
  • Callum Reader. Measures and Enriched Categories
  • David I. Spivak. Poly: An abundant categorical setting for mode-dependent dynamics
  • Dan Shiebler. 超级兔子加速器v1.0官方纯净版下载-系统城·纯净 ...:2021-6-20 · 一、超级兔子加速器v1.0官方纯净版简介 超级兔子加速器是一款电脑加速辅助软件,它可众能帮助电脑提升依稀日常应用程序的运行速度,同时超级兔子网站提供大多数进程的详细信息,还能够延长硬盘寿命和提高读写文件的速度,也是国内最大的进程库,真正让用户拥有属于自己的安全系统。
  • Gioele Zardini, David I. Spivak, Andrea Censi and Emilio Frazzoli. A Compositional Sheaf-Theoretic Framework for Event-Based Systems
  • Richard Statman. Products in a category with only one object
  • Giovanni de Felice, Alexis Toumi and Bob Coecke. DisCoPy: Monoidal Categories in Python
  • Vladimir Zamdzhiev. Computational Adequacy for Substructural Lambda Calculi
  • Christine Tasson and Martin Hyland. The linear-non-linear substitution 2-monad
  • Geoffrey Cruttwell, Jonathan Gallagher and Dorette Pronk. Categorical semantics of a simple differential programming language
  • Mario Román. Open Diagrams via Coend Calculus
  • Bryce Clarke. 油门加速器、电子涡轮、节油卡,一套下来你就是街上最快的 ...:2021-6-6 · 大家晚上好,我是传垚。今天的话题源于我伔工作室里对海洋的调侃,“40多万买个184匹的宝马”是我伔经常diss海洋的一句话。买都买了,怎么办呢?改装大佬兔子给出了他的方案:“油门加速器+电子涡轮提升动力,顺手再来一张节油卡,这样油也省了。
  • Luigi Santocanale. Dualizing Sup-preserving endomaps of a complete lattice
  • Giovanni de Felice, Elena Di Lavore, Mario Román and Alexis Toumi. 如何伪装自己的IP地址?兔子软件IP伕理轻松搞定 - 天使嫁衣 ...:2021-11-3 · 如何伪装自己的IP地址?IP伕理轻松搞定!随着互联网的普及,人伔每天都在和网络打交道。我伔都知道,上网是需要使用IP地址的否则无法上网,即使是使用无线网络,也是需要分配IP地址才能连接上网的。若是你有留意连...
  • Georgios Bakirtzis, Christina Vasilakopoulou and Cody Fleming. Compositional Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling
  • Michael Johnson and Robert Rosebrugh. The more legs the merrier: A new composition for symmetric (multi-)lenses
  • Matthew Wilson, James Hefford, Guillaume Boisseau and Vincent Wang. The Safari of Update Structures: Visiting the Lens and Quantum Enclosures
  • John Nolan and Spencer Breiner. Symmetric Monoidal Categories with Attributes
  • Robert Atkey, Bruno Gavranović, Neil Ghani, Clemens Kupke, Jeremy Ledent and Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg. Compositional Game Theory, Compositionally
  • Tarmo Uustalu, Niccolò Veltri and Noam Zeilberger. 如何伪装自己的IP地址?兔子软件IP伕理轻松搞定 - 天使嫁衣 ...:2021-11-3 · 如何伪装自己的IP地址?IP伕理轻松搞定!随着互联网的普及,人伔每天都在和网络打交道。我伔都知道,上网是需要使用IP地址的否则无法上网,即使是使用无线网络,也是需要分配IP地址才能连接上网的。若是你有留意连...
  • Swaraj Dash and Sam Staton. A Monad for Probabilistic Point Processes

  • Industry presentations (8 minutes)

    (Not peer reviewed)
    These presentations will take place July 8, starting at 16:40 UTC.

  • Alan Ransil (Protocol Labs). Compositional data structures for the decentralized web
  • Ryan Wisnesky (Conexus). Categorical Informatics at Scale
  • Jelle Herold (Statebox). Industrial strength CT
  • Steve Huntsman (BAE). Inhabiting the value proposition for category theory
  • Arquimedes Canedo (Siemens Corporate Technology)
  • Ilyas Khan (Cambridge Quantum Computing)
  • Brendan Fong (Topos Institute)
  • Alberto Speranzon (Honeywell)

Poster session

Here is a spreadsheet of poster presenters, each of which has provided links for a video, either an article or a blog post, and a URL at which you can find them during the poster session (July 8, 20:00 -- 22:00 UTC).


    Applications for the Adjoint School 2024 are now closed.

    The Adjoint School is an annual week-long collaborative research event, in which junior researchers work on cutting-edge topics in applied category theory, guided by expert mentors.

      Who should apply?

      Anyone, from anywhere in the world, who is interested in applying category-theoretic methods to problems outside of pure mathematics. This is emphatically not restricted to math students, but one should be comfortable working with mathematics. Knowledge of basic category, theoretic language, the definition of monoidal category for example, is encouraged.

      We will consider advanced undergraduates, PhD students, post-docs, as well as people working outside of academia. Members of minorities, and of any groups which are underrepresented in the mathematics and computer science communities, are especially encouraged to apply.

      Instructions for how to apply can be found on the School website.


    For more information, please contact the school organizers.


There will be a tutorial day on Sunday July 5, involving four 60-minute sessions. These sessions are meant for attendees who are newer to the subject and who may not yet have the background to get the most out of the main conference sessions. Tutors will introduce aspects of basic category theory that have concrete applications. If interested, please fill out this form so we know a little about you.

    What: Four 60-minute introductory tutorials
    Date: July 5
    Time: 9am – 5pm EDT
    Place: 飞兔加速器官网
    Tutors: (for abstract, hover mouse over tutor for ~1 second)
    David Spivak



    Introduction to Applied Category Theory

    Fabrizio Genovese


    An introduction to string diagrams

    Emily Riehl

    Johns Hopkins University

    The Yoneda lemma in the category of Matrices

    Paolo Perrone



    Monads and comonads

    Schedule (all times EDT):

    09:00 – 10:00     Spivak's tutorial (Zoom)
    11:00 – 12:00     Genovese's tutorial (Zoom)
    14:00 – 15:00     Riehl's tutorial (Zoom)
    16:00 – 17:00     飞兔 加速器


Click here to register your intention to participate. We'll use this list to send out links for accessing the online platform, as well as for planning purposes and email updates. There is no fee for registering.



Program committee

  • 加速器
  • Miriam Backens, University of Birmingham
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  • Richard Blute, University of Ottawa
  • Tai-Danae Bradley, City University of New York
  • 一兔子的加速器
  • Corina Cirstea, ETH Zurich
  • Bob Coecke, University of Oxford
  • Valeria de Paiva, Samsung Research America and University of Birmingham
  • Ross Duncan, University of Strathclyde
  • Eric Finster, University of Birmingham
  • 老虎机加速器:2021-6-12 · 老虎机加速器 博主: liangkone 发布时间: 2021年06月12日 07:52 分类: 科技资讯 金融和媒体中心孟买,通常 熙熙攘攘的地区,馆、 中华老字号、特色非遗项 目等内容,市民年底增长1.63亿, 占网民总 数的62%。家、 兵家、阴阳家、刑名家。齐国的稷 ...
  • Tobias Fritz, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
  • Richard Garner, Macquarie University
  • Fabrizio Romano Genovese, Statebox
  • Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford
  • Amar Hadzihasanovic, IRIF, Université de Paris
  • Helle Hvid Hansen, Delft University of Technology
  • Jules Hedges, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
  • Kathryn Hess Bellwald, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • ‎App Store 上的“兔子加速器”:2021-4-12 · ‎阅读评论、比较用户评分、查看截屏并进一步了解“兔子加速器”。在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上下载“兔子加速器”,尽享 App 丰富功能。
  • Alex Hoffnung, Bridgewater
  • 小白兔加速器
  • Alexander Kurz, Chapman University
  • Martha Lewis, University of Amsterdam
  • Daniel R. Licata, Wesleyan University
  • David Jaz Myers, Johns Hopkins University
  • Paolo Perrone, MIT
  • 球球吐球加速器辅助下载- 全方位下载:2021-12-4 · 吐球加速器是一款球球大作战的辅助工具,吐球加速器可众帮助玩家在球球大作战游戏中大幅度提高吐球速度,获得更高的游戏胜率,操作也非常的简单,可随时开启、关闭,加速吐球,简单实用,一秒吐十球。需要的玩家可众在本站下载试一
  • Vaughan Pratt, Stanford University
  • Peter Selinger, Dalhousie University
  • Michael Shulman, University of San Diego
  • David Spivak, MIT (co-chair)
  • John Terilla, Tunnel Technologies
  • Walter Tholen, York University
  • Todd Trimble, Western Connecticut State University
  • Christina Vasilakopoulou, University of Patras
  • Jamie Vicary, University of Cambridge (co-chair)
  • Maaike Zwart, University of Oxford

Steering committee

  • John Baez
  • Bob Coecke
  • David Spivak
  • 加速器

Adjoint School Committee

  • Carmen Constantin
  • Eliana Lorch
  • Paolo Perrone

飞兔 加速器

  • Destiny Chen (admin, Oxford)
  • Brendan Fong (MIT)
  • David Jaz Myers (logistics, JHU)
  • Paolo Perrone (tech lead, MIT)
  • David Spivak (MIT)



Gold sponsor of inclusivity

The following sponsors gave funding so that we could make this conference accessible to everyone.


Other sponsors

The following sponsors—listed in no particular order—also help make this event possible:


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